A Laptop and Coffee



Creative Caffeine

professional copywriter

jolting ideas.


Help yourself.

Same is lame.

Your product or service is not common. Why should your messaging be?

Get out of the boring, get-no-attention trap.

I will make your product or service stand out with creative concepts and compelling writing. How: 20+ years of advertising know-how, dozens of awards, but most importantly, hundreds (yes, you read it right…) of satisfied, smiling clients.

Check out a smidge of the solutions I have provided in the following pages. Then contact me. Together, we can make you different. While making a lot of beans.


Jeri @JBHomework.com

A delicious difference


Just because operating rooms must be sterile doesn’t mean their product messaging should be. The following is a breakthrough direct mail campaign for Kimberly-Clark’s signature sterile wrap products. (The bag and the lunch box were the actual envelopes... )


Creativity never gets old.

This remarkable retirement community is anything but a place to retire. It’s vibrant. Engaging. Filled with activity and friends. So, to set it apart, I gave it a whole new branding: Lenbrook, the INSPIREment Community, The management...and most importantly, the RESIDENTS...were thrilled.


Creativity still(!) never gets old.

A clever and engaging vellum overlay emphasizes the difference between “retirement” and “INSPIREment.”

A refreshing new approach for “good.”


Goodwill not only helps employ thousands, but its stores are thriving, and suddenly, these treasure chests of vintage merchandise are suddenly “cool.”

Their outreach should be as well: I developed a fun, playful, educational direct mail campaign.


Another refreshing new approach

for “good.”


sweet success.

I customized the wrapper of an actual chocolate bar to create a delicious leave-behind sales tool for a printer. They wanted to establish themselves as innovators. Needless to say, clients ate it up!


Messaging amplified.

This direct mail piece for a communications firm was created with a real, wallet-sized magnifying glass adhered to the cover. When lifted, small-font headline: “Increase Your Impact.” is viewed through the magnifier and grows huge! The magnifying glass is a useful leave-behind that keeps the brand name top-of-mind.


A sea change...

...brought on by a clever solution. The Georgia Ports Authority had a huge message about some highly beneficial rennovations at the Port of Savannah. The challenge was, they only had small digital spaces to communicate the message. The solution; strong, eye-opening headlines. And their impact ran deep.


Editorial style with style.

A real estate team wanted ads that didn’t “look” like ads. They wanted their message to seem as if they were endorsements from the publication. The short answer was long, stylish copy.


A case for long form writing.

The southeast’s largest sign and mailbox company beautifully delivered solutions for hundreds of communities throughout the region. And they wanted to tell their story to the real estate world. I did it with a series (more than a dozen) long form, case studies that documented their many successes.


Another case for long form writing.


One for the books!

Whether it be about your brand or service, or real-life people, I love telling stories. Thus, my books Late Boomers and Late Boomers, Too! They are collections of true stories about people doing life-changing things later in life. Read about Ginny McColl, who started her fitness journey at age 63, and is now the oldest female competitor on America’s Ninja Warrior.

Or Normer Adams, who has spent his retirement rescuing cats stuck in trees. His company is Cat Man Do and he has recued 1,200 cats to date!

There are dozens of other amazing, inspiring stories proving that Accompishment Never Gets Old. Email me at Jeri@JBhomework.com and I will send you a copy!

professional copywriter

jolting ideas.

